Is Vampire Survivor on iPad?

Are you a fan of Vampire Survivors and wondering if you can play it on your iPad? The answer is yes! Vampire Survivors, the bullet-hell rouge-lite indie smash hit of the year, is now available for free on iPhone and iPad. You can download it from the App Store and start playing right away. Combining … Read more

Is Vampire Survivors on Console?

Vampire Survivors is a popular game that has been making waves in the gaming community. Many gamers have been asking whether the game is available on console. The answer to this question is both yes and no, depending on the console in question. Vampire Survivors is currently available on Xbox consoles, including Xbox One and … Read more

Can Vampire Survivors Be Played Offline?

Vampire Survivors is a popular rogue-lite auto-battler game that has taken the world by storm. Players are drawn to its addictive gameplay and unique features. However, many are left wondering whether the game can be played offline. The answer is yes, Vampire Survivors can be played offline, but only in co-op mode. According to, … Read more

Is Vampire Survivors Endless? Find Out

Vampire Survivors is a popular roguelike shoot ’em up video game developed and published by Luca Galante, also known as poncle. The game has received positive reviews for its challenging gameplay, unique mechanics, and engaging storyline. One question that many players have been asking is whether Vampire Survivors is endless or not. The answer to … Read more

How Many Gigabytes is Vampire Survivors?

Are you wondering how many gigabytes Vampire Survivors takes up on your device? This popular roguelike game has been making waves in the gaming community since its release in 2022, and players are curious about its file size. Well, the answer depends on the platform you’re playing on. If you’re playing Vampire Survivors on PC, … Read more

How Many Characters Are in Vampire Survivors?

Are you curious about how many characters are in Vampire Survivors? This minimalistic survival game features a variety of playable characters, each with their own unique attributes and starting weapons. According to the Vampire Survivors Wiki, there are currently 57 official playable characters in the game, with 16 of them being secret characters and 16 … Read more